- +(55) 11 4151-2206
- vendas@torre-caravela.com.br
- Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Caravela-Thermotank performs various services on any brand of a cooling tower. We carry out a complete analysis of your equipment, carry out the necessary maintenance, and can even modernize it, retraining its functionality and promoting savings.
The vast majority of cooling towers in operation were designed and installed with technology and materials that are over 30 years old. Today, Caravela – Thermotank can make a practical retrofit of its equipment, cooling larger volumes of water under the same thermal conditions in its existing tower.
For that, we have engineers with more than 25 years of experience, innovative materials and constructions, and computer programs that carry out a complete study, generating great savings in the operation, with little investment.
Our technicians can analyze the existing tower suggesting:
We can perform assemblies of our towers and materials, as follows:
Cooling towers must be assembled by Caravela-Thermotank personnel, as the cost is relatively low, with a significant gain in quality.